With over 370,000+ Jetsetter Alerts members, posting airfare alerts online is not practical due to each member’s alert settings being personalized to their own unique needs.

Below are screenshot examples of airline mistake fares departing from various U.S. airports — giving you a glimpse of the incredible flight savings we discover for our members.

We also send out alerts for flash sales. To us, a flash sale is any flight that meets our criteria of being at least 40% off or more compared to the normal cost of that flight.

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Lima, Peru - $166
Round Trip

  • Departing From: Greensboro, NC
Airline Mistake Fare, or Error Fare showing a screen shot of cheap flight to Lima Peru for $166 on delta airlines departing from Atlanta

Auckland, New Zealand $335
Round Trip

  • Departing From: Detroit, MI
Screen shot showing an airline mistake fare/error fare price glitch on United Airlines to Auckland New Zealand for $335 round trip.

New York City $8
Round Trip

  • Departing From: Paris, France
Airline Error Fare, Mistake Fare to New York from Paris for $8 round trip

Santiago, Chile $63
Round Trip

  • Depart: Atlanta, GA
Screen shot of Mistake Fare To Santiago Chile From Atlanta

Auckland, New Zealand $226
Round Trip

  • Departing From: Los Angeles, CA
Screen shot of Mistake Fare From LAX To Auckland New Zealand

Anchorage, Alaska $188
Round Trip

  • Departing From: Phoenix, AZ
Screen shot of cheap flight to Alaska from Phoenix for $188 Round Trip

Hawaiian Dream Trip $335
Total For 5 Flights

Trip included visiting all 4 major Hawaiian Islands

  • Departing From: Los Angeles, LAX
screen shot showing really cheap flight deal to all four Hawaiian Islands for $335 total from Los Angeles

Maui, Hawaii $217
Round Trip

  • Departing From: New York
New York To Maui $217 Round Trip On Google Flights

Los Angeles $25
Round Trip

  • Departing From: New York (JFK)
Screen shot showing an error fare, or airline Mistake Fare Alert on Delta Airlines to Los Angeles from New York for $25 round trip

Beijing, China - Business Class Lay Flat Seat- $442
Round Trip

This was an insane deal that I was actually a bit surprised this one was honored, but it was actually. If you look up the cost of a business class flight to Beining from Washington DC, you will see fares for $7-10k.

  • Departing From: Washington (DCA)
Business Class Mistake Fare On American Airlines to Beijing, China $442 Round Trip for lay flat class seating
Notice the flight was $0, and the cost was the taxes on the flight.

Other Airline Mistake Fare Examples

  • Charlotte, NC to South Africa $371
  • NYC to Cannes, FR $198
  • Boston to Barcelona $119
  • Portland, OR to Hong Kong $259
  • Los Angeles to Paris $201
  • Dallas to Nassau Bahamas $66

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